Sunday, August 5, 2012

Summer Time and the Living is Easy...

I love the summer. It's as simple as that. I love the weather. I love the clothes (or lack thereof). I love the food. I love the activities. Does it get any better? We've had a great summer so far. It's been easy and relaxing. Swimming lessons, bike rides, splash pads, sandboxes, paddling pools, walks, spending time with friends. Nothing fancy....just being. I love it. That's the way it should be! Our only glitch was multiple A/C difficulties resulting in just shy of four weeks of no A/C. Not really a great summer for that, but we managed. Luckily we had a one week stretch during the breakdown period where the weather was more reasonable, plus for the most part the evenings did cool off somewhat....somewhat. It's back up and running and was covered under warrantee, whew! All is good. We're enjoying this season. For Keira it's the season of learning to walk. It's great she can be barefoot and in lightweight clothing or in the water or in the sand. Lot's of fun! She is loving this season too!

Then and Now

On July 18th (yes, I know it's now August), little Miss K turned 18 months old. Good grief - I have a year and a half year old! Yikes!!! ;-) She has gone from a quiet observant introvert to, as someone recently described her, quite the little firecracker. Everything is done with enormous gusto! Yes, my daughter is stubborn, loud, and very determined. However, she is also a very cuddly, funny, and loving little girl. Was the wait worth it? DEFINITELY! 

Meeting each other for the very first time, January 8, 2012; She may not have realized it then that she had been waiting for me and was not really impressed at the time, but I had certainly been waiting for her for a VERY long time!!!
Very first day at home - January 21, 2012; A wee bit jet lagged, she fit right in, right from the get go, pets and all. Each day, another step forward, there has been no looking back!
July 18, 2012; 18 months old and full of trouble! I have my hands full!