Friday, March 15, 2013

First Haircut!

On a whim I decided to drop into a children's hair salon yesterday and see if they had space to take Keira later in the day to get her first official haircut. It was time! Her hair (like her!) has been growing like a weed and it simply needed tidying up to get rid of the scraggly look. Hopefully the trim will give it a chance to fill in. I don't know about you, but they certainly didn't have places like the one I took her to when I was growing up! It was a children's mini paradise. She didn't want to leave and wanted to test and sit in every chair that was there and ride on every toy. Apart from wanting to stand on occasion (the seat belts were poor velcro) and constantly moving, she did extremely well. The cut looks cute if I do say so myself!
She's not sure why she's in a fancy car with a smock on and nowhere to go!

The hair salon gave us a card with strands of Keira's hair and a poem about her first haircut. Do you remember her referral pictures and the updated photo I got of her where her head was shaved? She had hair when she was handed to me but it was so short and shorter on the sides than at the back and the top. I remember wondering if it would ever grow! The cut looks super cute. Her natural wave really shows and it looks fuller. Love it! It was hard to get a decent photo of her this morning as she was waiting for breakfast, but here's an idea of what it looks like now. I see a little girl emerging from the toddler...good grief! She JUST turned two!!!

Thursday, March 7, 2013

A Far Cry From The Beach!

The day after we got home from Cuba, it snowed...a lot! Will it ever end?!? Yup, little Miss loves the beach, but she also likes spending time outside in the snow. As my father said, "Is she adaptable or what?" She certainly is, and it's lovely!

Monday, March 4, 2013

First Official Holiday!!!

Yup - I know I have long overdue birthday pictures to post and perhaps a Chinese New Year pic or two, and even more pictures of our Family Day, but I simply couldn't resist a quick post about our first official international holiday.

Keira and I took advantage of the fact I'm off during a time other than the March break, and headed south with my sister-in-law, my four year old niece and my six month old nephew. We boarded a plane in chilly (downright cold actually), snowy Ottawa, and deplaned in warm, sunny Cayo Coco, Cuba where we enjoyed perfect weather and a spectacular beach for a week. Our only regret was not having booked two weeks! Hind sight is 20/20 - one week simply wasn't long enough! We did experience a couple of issues with the hotel, however the weather and the beach made up for it ten fold.

I have a true little beach bum on my hands. Keira was in her element. She absolutely adored it and her mother adored watching her adore it! I am already looking forward to our next beach adventure.

It is going to have to become a tradition in this household. It regenerates the soul and does the body good! They say a picture can speak a thousand words....judge for yourselves! Here is but a snap shot of our holiday.

Keira's very first view of the ocean. She was SO excited - we couldn't get onto the sand fast enough!
Early every morning they'd come along with a tractor and rake up any seaweed. When the tide was down, the beach was perfect for little ones.

Keira was in her element all week!

Although she enjoyed the pool, Keira preferred the beach. She's my little beach bum!

A most perfect view!

Tuckered out!

I loved watching her play. She happily amused herself for a couple of hours on the beach each day and I'm sure would have played longer, but Mommy insisted on lunch and a nap. 

Early evening stroll when the tide was up.
Examining a piece of brain coral.

A room with a view; our front balcony steps led to that path which led directly to the beach.
A morning stroll - Mom and daughter.

Sigh....homeward bound.

We will definitely be doing such a trip again! It was relaxing and peaceful - a terrific way to spend a week together, not to mention, it nice to get away from the cold and the snow. For a week, no boots, hats, mittens or snowsuits....that in itself was bliss! ;-)