Yup - I know I have long overdue birthday pictures to post and perhaps a Chinese New Year pic or two, and even more pictures of our Family Day, but I simply couldn't resist a quick post about our first official international holiday.
Keira and I took advantage of the fact I'm off during a time other than the March break, and headed south with my sister-in-law, my four year old niece and my six month old nephew. We boarded a plane in chilly (downright cold actually), snowy Ottawa, and deplaned in warm, sunny Cayo Coco, Cuba where we enjoyed perfect weather and a spectacular beach for a week. Our only regret was not having booked two weeks! Hind sight is 20/20 - one week simply wasn't long enough! We did experience a couple of issues with the hotel, however the weather and the beach made up for it ten fold.
I have a true little beach bum on my hands. Keira was in her element. She absolutely adored it and her mother adored watching her adore it! I am already looking forward to our next beach adventure.
It is going to have to become a tradition in this household. It regenerates the soul and does the body good! They say a picture can speak a thousand words....judge for yourselves! Here is but a snap shot of our holiday.
Keira's very first view of the ocean. She was SO excited - we couldn't get onto the sand fast enough! |
Early every morning they'd come along with a tractor and rake up any seaweed. When the tide was down, the beach was perfect for little ones. |
Keira was in her element all week! |
Although she enjoyed the pool, Keira preferred the beach. She's my little beach bum! |
A most perfect view! |
Tuckered out! |
I loved watching her play. She happily amused herself for a couple of hours on the beach each day and I'm sure would have played longer, but Mommy insisted on lunch and a nap. |
Early evening stroll when the tide was up. |
Examining a piece of brain coral. |
A room with a view; our front balcony steps led to that path which led directly to the beach. |
A morning stroll - Mom and daughter. |
Sigh....homeward bound. |
We will definitely be doing such a trip again! It was relaxing and peaceful - a terrific way to spend a week together, not to mention, it nice to get away from the cold and the snow. For a week, no boots, hats, mittens or snowsuits....that in itself was bliss! ;-)