Yes, I'm stepping back in time again!
A year ago on November 1, 2011, I saw my daughter's face for the very first time after an almost seven year wait. A total of seven years because of waiting lists, paperwork and, ultimately, once I had a log in date, major slow downs in China.
November 1, 2011 will forever be embedded in my brain. The week leading up to it was a painful one. I was informed a whole week ahead of time that my referral had arrived at my agency but until it was checked and translated, no information would be shared. Oh, the agony! There were some emails and phone calls and a whole lot of frustration but that's the past. Tuesday November 1 did arrive and with it came the long awaited news that has forever changed my life.
On my way to work that day there was a SPECTACULAR sunrise, simply stunning. It was a big bright orange ball of flaming sun, the largest I had ever seen driving into work. The kind of sunrise that takes your breath away. I wish I had a picture. As I left the main highway I glanced to my left and saw a large, majestic deer running through the cornfield. Really? My heart literally began to pound. Two incredible things. Signs as far as I was concerned. Signs that my waiting was about to come to an end. They (whoever they are) say things come in threes. What do you suppose the third thing would be that day?
I knew deep down it was going to be an amazing day and I was finally going to see my daughter's face. I knew it was going to be awfully difficult to concentrate at work. I knew this was going to be the day and it was. Mid morning I received the call, the call that has changed my life. I had a nine and a half month old daughter waiting for me (although she didn't know it at the time!) in Jiangxi Province, China. If all went according to plan, I'd be traveling there in early January to bring her home. I had to wait another couple of hours for the photos to arrive in my inbox. When they did, the almost seven years of waiting literally melted away. I had a daughter. She was no longer just a dream and a name. She was a little being with an inquisitive expression behind her eyes and I was her mother.
1 comment:
Hey Paula,
Time goes so fast doesn't it? I love checking your blog. These girls have come a long way in ayear!
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