My daughter's first Christmas...magical, breathtaking, emotional. More than once I found myself giving my head a shake, the emotion would billow inside me, and my eyes would well with tears. What a special day, and what a difference to be able to celebrate Christmas with a child, my child. It totally changes one's perspective. I love it.
My parents joined us for breakfast in the morning so they could witness Keira's first stocking experience as well as see her reaction to a couple of the intentionally "not wrapped" gifts under the tree. Later in the day, after her nap, we joined my brother's family at my parents' house for supper and family gifts. What fun we had with a four year old, an almost two year old (Keira), and a four month old. Would you believe we have yet to open gifts under our own tree? I found it was simply too much to do all at once so have been spreading the gifts out and letting Keira enjoy her new toys and books etc. in stages. She must have been a good little girl this year...she has been a wee bit spoiled. ;-)
Merry Christmas to you and yours! We hope everyone had a joyous holiday season and wish you all the best for 2013.
Yup - her stocking is bigger than she is! We have Oma to thank for that! |
By far her favourite toy...a ride on cow I ordered from the UK and had shipped here by a friend. This girl loves her cows! |
A table a chairs just her size. |
She very methodically opened each and every gift in her stocking and handed Oma the wrapping. |
She was absolutely mesmerized by this musical snow globe given to her from my sister-in-laws sister-in-law. Say that quickly ten times! My girl loves anything musical. |
Her four year old cousin picked out this hat for her. Keira loved it and kept putting it on and taking it off all evening. |
Thank you, Oma and Opa for my cow beanbag chair. It's the perfect place to lounge...especially after a long day! |
1 comment:
Merry Christmas, Paula! Your first Christmas together sounds perfect. K is gorgeous and looks so happy!! So many amazing memories!!
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