Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Jade Factory

China is extremely well known for their Jade. On Sunday, after
climbing the Great Wall, we then headed to a Jade Factory for a well
earned lunch followed by a tour and jade shopping spree. It was quite
something to see and learn about how the pieces of art were created. I
didn't know, for example, that true jade, when hit together, sounds
dull, whereas fake jade actually makes a pinging sound like glass. So,
the next time you're out shopping for jade, pick the pieces up and
give them a whack against each other. If they sound like glass, you're
being scammed!

We also drove by the Olympic Village. The picture you see of the hotel
which looks like a torch, is apparently the most expensive hotel in

And, of course, the last two pics are to appease Keira's fan club. I
get it, who wants to see pictures of scenery and other "stuff" when
there's a cute baby around? ;-)