Yes, I have a little traveller in the making. Keira was an absolute trooper. For a little wee thing who, in the span of not even two weeks had experienced as many firsts as she had, she was incredible. We managed to get lunch and a nap before we left the hotel, and I packed pjs for the flight as it was an overnighter. We went through security with no hassles and just before we boarded the plane (which was almost an hour late), I changed her so she'd be ready for the night. At the airport in Beijing they have hot water dispensers throughout the airport (and I mean boiling hot water!) so I filled my thermos and was ready to go. I had bought her a seat to give us ample room. She played for a bit, ate dinner just prior to take off, played again, had her bottle, went for a wee walk to see her friends and, once in her sleeping bag, was out for the count, sleeping soundly from approximately 8:30 through to 6:15 the following morning. That left us just enough time for a quick breakfast before landing on the same day at approximately the same time we had left on the other side of the world!
Immigration was kind enough to allow adoptive families and babies to the front of the line. Keira is now officially a landed immigrant awaiting her permanent residency card so I may apply for her citizenship. Whew...we then had to pick up luggage and go through security once again for our flight home to Ottawa. Again, she was a little trooper. She chowed down on a mum mum when we were initially on the plane, then once we started heading down the runway and I had her in my arms, she crashed for what she probably thought was her morning nap. She didn't wake up until we landed almost an hour later. A quick change out of pjs and into an outfit - we were ready to meet some special family and friends who and made the trek out to the airport to welcome us home.
What a treat to step out of the elevator to such a warm and loving welcome. She is one very lucky little girl!