I know you've all been waiting for news! Internet hasn't been co-operating. Nor has blogger. This is a test run. If this works, I'll be able to post from here on in!
We made it to China safe and sound without any hiccups. Apart from my mother having a cranky old man behind insisting that she wasn't allowed "to move", as it interfered with his tv and movie viewing, all went well. He kept telling her to "stay still" and if she didn't, he dug his knees into the back of her seat. Thirteen hours worth of that isn't much fun! We met up with two other families in Toronto, and all but one of the families in Beijing. Lily, our guide greeted us at the airport and shuttled us off to our hotel and prepped us as to what we could expect the next day.
We made it to China - one more sleep - WOW!!! Our job of the evening was to reorganize the suitcases as domestic flights only allow 20 kilos per person and why carry two weeks worth of supplies when we don't have to? It was quite the task as jet lag set in. Regardless, we still managed to get a solid six and half hours of sleep before the alarm went off and we headed back to the airport en route to Jiangxi Province, Keira's home for the past 11 and a half months.