Monday, June 24, 2013

She Just Keeps Growing!

I have vivid memories of the moment Keira was placed in my arms, and of the days and weeks that followed. She was a wee thing...a little peanut, somewhat frail and slight, still an infant really, even though she was just a few days shy of a year old. She was far behind and had a lot of catching up to do.

Now? Ha! I continually shake my head in wonder. She has literally steamrolled ahead developmentally and is now a rather rambunctious, busy, chatty toddler. In just one month's time she will be two and a half. And trust me, she is no longer the featherweight she once was! She has a mind of her own and is quick to tell you what she wants. Her favourite phrases and/or words at the moment are: "I do it!", "Why?" (I didn't think that would happen until she was at least 3!) and, "Myself!". We can't pull out of the driveway or away from daycare without her saying (yelling really) goodbye to absolutely everyone and everything. Every morning I hear, "Goodbye dog, goodbye cats, goodbye house!" etc. She even says goodbye to the neighbour's boat. Everyday I hear new words and am getting a kick out of her ability to join in and sing along to her music in the car. She absolutely cracks me up!

Only four more days to go before summer holidays. Can't wait!

Girl on a mission!
First time on a tire swing.
LOVED the tunnel slide! 
Getting into mischief!
Every time we pull into the parking lot of this shopping mall, she asks to go and "see the water".
Mastering the ice cream cone. A girl after my own heart. 
Always happy when outside!
Helping Mommy make pancakes. Trumps playing every time. ;-)
Keeping Rain company while she eats her breakfast. The two of them are like peas in a pod.
Rather proud of herself for using a "big girl" cup.

Saturday, June 15, 2013

Dance Like Nobody is Watching!

Keira LOVES music. She loves everything about it. I picked up on her love of music while we were still in China. It catches her attention. It soothes her. It makes her laugh. She loves to play music, she loves to sing, and she LOVES to "dance". It doesn't matter where we are or what kind of music it is. If she hears music, she starts a'groovin! Last week I took her to the first 45 minutes of my school's annual musical showcase where the different bands and clubs, as well as individual students (or groups of students) showcased their musical talent. Some of these kids (11 to 14) have only been playing their instruments since the beginning of the school year, if that. Keira had a blast! She was on the move for 45 minutes straight. 

Although I don't want to rush time, I can't wait until she's old enough for dance class! I think she is going to love it! Please excuse the blurry pictures - she was constantly on the move and I only had my iPhone with me so snapping a pic of her in motion was tough. As you can see, she had a blast! She was a most appreciative audience. After each musical number, she clapped her little heart out. What a gem!

Sunday, June 9, 2013

Almost Summer!

I'm counting down! Keira doesn't know it, but she's counting down too! Fifteen more days...only three more weeks, until the summer holidays. This mommy can't wait. I went back to work, after fifteen months off, on March 18th. Work is ridiculously busy and yes, the time has gone by quickly, but I so miss my days at home with my little girl. She is growing and changing so quickly - I am looking forward to being able to slow down for a couple of months and take it all in. I have us booked for a week of swim lessons, we are going to see a Cirque du Soleil show with some good friends in July, and we are planning a trip to the UK with my mom in early August. Yes, I am counting down! Once summer is here however, I am going to want things to slow down so I can take everything in and enjoy the two months we have together. How does that expression go? Wanting your cake and eating too? Yes, I'll admit it...I'm guilty of that. ;-) How could one not be?
She was convinced she was going to drive us home from daycare!
Top of the slide.
Painting with water.
Trying out a new frozen yogurt shop - YUM! It passed the test.
Helping Oma water her plants. Not sure what got wetter, the plants or her shoes!
Dressed up and ready to go!
Sleep over! "Face to face - saying "good morning" to her cousin.